Tarantino's classic Pulp Fiction is really an original work that is revered with reason by many film critics. The actors are all excellently casted, and they all perform great. The dialogue is what makes the film amazing - so many one line classics.
For me, the highlight of the film was Uma Thurman's stellar portrayal of a druggie gang lord's wife. She's a bit of a contradiction, and Quentin manages to get some great shots of her. One of the best scenes was in the restaurant - where the montages flip between her face and John Travolta's. I think it's nice.
Also, the drug scene was pretty well done ... She really looks scary! Tho, I found that Travolta's part was a bit weaker through this section. Maybe it's just that he's not one of my favourite actors - he's always the same.
Another good scene was in the car at the beginning when Samuel Jackson and John Travolta discuss the Royale with Cheese. Lol... I like how their dialogue kept returning back to it.
Pulp Fiction seems a bit like a collection of scenes rather than a traditional movie. Obviously, this was international, but sometimes I think there was a bit too much disconnect - but maybe that was the point.