Monday, November 27, 2006

Midnight Express

Classic movie ... But it was a bit hard to watch. I'm not in the mood to write,and I watched this a long time ago. What stood out to me was the fact that it was a true story, and also the part where the tongue is bit off! That was intense. The movie certainly has a lot of potential, but I'm sure it was hard to get good actors for such defined characters as someone would meet in a prison in instanbul back in the 1970's. I liked how it launched right into the story, and didn't bother with long introductions, but the characters often seemed badly defined - like the crazy man who walks in circles. What was his purpose in the film?


The Heavenly Kid

I watched this a few nights ago at tgirl's house. As much as I love the eighties, this film was horribly disappointing. The story was lacking, and the acting was absolutely pourri! The only good thing about the movie was a few good songs ...

I wonder how I sat through the whole movie.


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Notebook

The designer dresses, the handsome guy, the convertibles, the rain, the love ... Classic chick flick. I watched the Notebook for the first time tonight. Rachel McAdams is beautiful as always. She also does a good job acting. The cinematography was pretty good. The warm colors were nice, and the whole movie created a very 'warm fuzzy' feeling.

The plot was decent, but I'm not sure the flashbacks worked. The old Ali wasn't up to par, though admittedly, her part was the hardest. how do you act like someone who can't remember? And why does memory come into so many films? I think that four out of the last twenty films I watched were about memory and memory problems. weird.

The highlight of the movie was the scene on the boat. Not only was it well filmed, but the dialogue was a step above the rest of the movie. The birds bit was just great enough to not be cheezy.

pretty good
