Monday, September 18, 2006

Coffee and Cigarettes

Coffee and Cigarettes is a serious of nine short episodes - all taking place around table with coffee and cigarettes. For an independent film, Jim Jarmusch managed to get a lot of very well known actors! The White Stripes, Iggy Pop, Tom Waits, Roberto Begnini, Kate Blanchett, Bill Murray, and the Wootang to name a few.

It's pretty funny, and it would be great to watch with friends I think. I doesn't get too deep, but a few times it gets a lot into what other people think of you. I love the scene where Alfred Molina is a big fan of Steve Coogan, but Coogan remains cold, and then when he finds out that Molina is a friend of some other actor, he tries to act like his best friend. Social games. Excellent. People change what they say according to what they think of someone and how they fit in to the social scene.

Good film.... definitely funny, but with some more serious questions to ask - but no statements. I like it.



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